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Masta Bill


August 24th, 2009:
Ladies and Gentlemen, the most anticipated re-launch in internet history has just occurred! That's right, "The Bill Network" which years ago held the motto of "Like a pot hole in the middle of I-79, Scary, but fun as hell" Has returned in all of the glory that is, "The Bill Network". After hours of slaving over new coding my dream layout is now living, and breathing! Granted, still not as flashy as I would like, but it gets the job done! What can you expect to see from "TBN V.12"? Pretty much the same stuff that made up the original site. But slightly more "Mature". That's right, MASTA BILL, Uncensored! And not in the creepy way.






Just a Dream Productions


Disclaimer: I do not Claim ownership of any art or images that are represented
on this Site. I simply claim ownership of my personal photos and information. Thank you.

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